How do undercollateralized loans for leveraged trading work?


The trader deposits $50,000 BUSD as collateral into the Protocol.

The trader loans $50,000 BUSD from the lending pool.

Borrower invests into $100,000 worth of BTCB. In this step, the Protocol initiates a trade on PancakeSwap to change $100,000 (minus loan fee of X%) BUSD into BTCB. The BTCB is then escrowed by the Protocol.

Example Case A

The price of BTC has now decreased by 40% ($60,000 total collateral) and a liquidation event is triggered.

The BTCB is swapped on PancakeSwap into $60,000 BUSD. $50,000 is sent to the lending pool and $10,000 (minus a liquidation fee of X%) is sent to the trader.

Example Case B

The price of BTC has now increased by 50% ($150,000 total collateral) and the trader closes out the loan.

The BTCB is swapped on PancakeSwap into $150,000 BUSD. $50,000 is sent to the lending pool and $100,000 (minus loan fee of X%) is sent to the trader.

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